The PIDA Implementation Progress Report 2017 is the outcomes account/report/evaluation of collaborations between all PIDA stakeholders who shared information on projects and interventions on the ground and on progress being made.

We thank PIDA stakeholders who supplied information on project fiches as well as data for the launch of the new VPIC- AID. These include the African Union Commission, African Development Bank, REC’s, NEPAD IPPF, EU, Transnet, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Development Bank of South Africa, European Union, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

The core team is comprised staff of the NEPAD Agency, NEPAD Infrastructure Technical Experts in the REC’s, with input provided by the AUC Department of Infrastructure and Energy.

PIDA Progress Report 2017 - ENDownload 
Rapport d'Avancement 2017 - Résumé Exécutif - FRDownload 
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