Evaluation: AUDA NEPAD Economic Integration Programme Team Planning Retreat 4th – 8th October 2021

EI Team Retreat 2021


1) The topics covered were appropriate
2) The planning retreat was useful
3) The planning retreat has helped me to improve my relationship with my team
4) The planning retreat has helped me to improve my relationship with the EI team
5) The planning retreat has helped me to improve my relationship with team members from other divisions
6) The planning retreat has helped me to improve my relationship with our development partners
7) I had an opportunity to contribute inputs into the agenda of the planning retreat
8) The planning retreat has enhanced my team identity and roles


9) The mix of workshop methods were broad and appropriate
10) The presenters were effective in delivering their presentations
11) The facilitators encouraged discussions and participation
12) The planning sessions were easy to understand and flow


13) The knowledge and skills learnt during the retreat is useful to my role
14) The planning retreat reinforced my skills and knowledge
15) The venue rooms were conducive for the planning retreat
16) The meeting rooms were COVID-19 compliant
17) Overall, I was satisfied with the planning retreat

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