M&E and Information Management

PIDA has an M&E framework to monitor progress the implementation of PIDA Projects. The framework uses a participatory processes that integrate the contribution of all PIDA actors at the national, sub-regional, regional and continental levels – particularly member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), NPCA, AUC, major continental organizations, AfDB, UNECA and development partners. The PIDA M&E Framework aims to:

  1. track and report information on PIDA project implementation progress on a yearly basis;
  2. report on interventions that have been provided by all stakeholders to advance project implementation;
  3. facilitate sharing information and learning on PIDA Project implementations including success stories and lessons learned;
  4. increase stakeholder participation in advancing the realization of PIDA PAP.
PIDA Progress Report

Six PIDA Progress reports have been published, from 2015 and 2020, summarizing project implementation progress and interventions by all stakeholders and partners. These reports presented the gains that have been made in the respective years in the implementation of PIDA, as well as to present a review of the challenges and lessons learnt to ensure accelerated implementation. These reports can be downloaded using the links below.







Information Management and Data Collection

To effectively support the implementation of the PIDA PAP, the AUC, NEPAD Agency and partners rely on data generated by project owners, member countries and RECs to monitor PIDA PAP progress. Although work has been ongoing to improve the flow of information on PIDA projects, challenges remain, in terms of data collection, verification and analysis. Where data is available, its quality remains a key challenge.

To address this concern, the AUC, NEPAD Agency, AfDB, GIZ and RECS have renewed  their efforts to enhance data collection and dissemination for PIDA PAP.

The PIDA M&E is built on top of two important systems managing the information required. These are the African Infrastructure Database (AID) and the Virtual PIDA Information Centre (VPIC) web portal which were recently enhanced based on feedback from users.

AID is data management tool for collecting, validating, storing and disseminating quality assured and up-to-date infrastructure project data in Africa. AID is a secured back-end application were project owners add new projects and update existing projects information. The contents of AID are managed by project owners from all over the continent. These include RECs, corridor authorities/agencies, power pools, river basin organizations, other regional institutions and relevant institutions in member states with primary data on infrastructure projets. Each project owner shall have a group of users with a permission to add and edit project data that falls under their mandate.

VPIC is an online knowledge portal that provides content on activities related to PIDA at NEPAD Agency, AUC, AfDB, RECs, all other related institutions and member states involved in accelerating PIDA PAP. The contents include items such as news, events, external links, media galleries and documents. In addition, VPIC also presents information on PIDA projects, in an interactive way, directly from the African Infrastructure Database (AID). The contents of VPIC are managed by NEPAD Agency in collaboration with other PIDA partners. Stakeholders of VPIC include users at NEPAD Agency, AUC, AfDB and RECs as well as development partners, project financiers, private and public institutions in Africa, other regional and international institutions, media and the general public interested in PIDA.

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