The Project Preparation Facilities’ (PPF) Roundtable
To address the lack of funding for project preparation, the NEPAD Agency organized a Roundtable of Project Preparation Funds (PPFs) in the course of the last ICA Annual Meetings in Cape Town/South Africa in November  2014. During this meeting, the PPFs agreed to cooperate with regards to PIDA project preparation, since individually the different PPFs are generally too small to tackle projects the size of PIDA by themselves.The cooperation shall comprise financial cooperation, harmonization of application procedures, etc.
Introduction of the PIDA Service Delivery Mechanism (PIDA SDM)
This mechanism which is managed by the NEPAD Agency provides project implementers, most notably the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), with consultants to advise them on early stage project preparation (e.g.institutional and legal set up a project implementation and management unit.drafting of ToR for feasibility studies). The PIDA SDM is complementary with existing Project Preparation Funds (PPFs) since it helps to bring PIDA projects to the stage when feasibility studies can be undertaken. Then, PPFs can take over for the residual project preparation activities. The pilot project of this mechanism is the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor.