A Decade of Transforming Africa’s Infrastructure

His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi

President of the Arab Republic of Egypt,
Chairperson of the AUDA-NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC)
Over the past decade, PIDA has served as a catalyst for change, fostering regional integration, enhancing competitiveness, and
unlocking Africa’s immense potential. 

Her Excellency Nardos Bekele-Thomas

Chief Executive Officer, African Union Development Agency-NEPAD
The PIDA 10 Years Progress Report stands as a testament to Africa’s determination, resilience, and unwavering spirit. It inspires
future generations, demonstrating what can be achieved when nations unite, collaborate, and prioritise infrastructure as a catalyst
for sustainable development

Mr. YANASE Naoki

Director General, Africa Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
With AUDA-NEPAD’s vital initiatives, corridor development has become mainstream as a regional economic development approach
that promotes African integration and intra-African trade and leads to sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
What is PIDA?

The Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) is a strategic initiative developed under the auspices of the African Union (AU), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and AUDA-NEPAD. Its primary objective is to address the regional and intra-continental connectivity challenges in Africa through the development of infrastructure in various sectors, including transport, energy, information and communication technology (ICT), and transboundary water resources.

What is the PIDA Day?

PIDA Day is an annual event organized to commemorate and celebrate the achievements and progress of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA). It serves as a platform to showcase the impact and importance of infrastructure development in Africa and to raise awareness about the PIDA initiative.

Objectives of the PIDA Day

PIDA Day acts as a platform to bring together key stakeholders involved in the implementation of the PIDA programme, to take stock of progress and identify ways to continue to advance implementation.

Virtual/Online Meeting Link

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Meeting ID: 924 8658 5368

Passcode: 618912

Years of PIDA Progress
PIDA was launched in 2012. It marks ten years of the implementation of the first phase of the PIDA PAP I and its transition to the second Phase of the PIDA PAP II
PAP I Projects
Projects across sectors such as transport, energy, ICT, and water, with a focus on regional infrastructure development and connectivity enhancement in Africa.
PAP II Projects
Projects selected based on a ranking system that assessed their viability and alignment with the Integrated Corridor Approach
Road to 2040
PIDA's commitment to enhancing project development and implementation, fostering regional integration, and driving sustainable socio-economic development in Africa.

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