A Direct Current Transmission Line to transmit 2 000 MW with 1 000 K.V. Voltage from Cairo (Egypt) to Khartoum and Gedaref (Sudan), as the first phase of the giant electrical interconnection grid parallel to the continental road Cairo – Cape Town which is suggested to use a mixture of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) solutions according to the results of technical and economic feasibility studies. The project objectives are to:

  • Create a harmonised Integrated Continental Transmission Network (ICTN)
  • Integrate and create the EAPP electricity market, which is an important step in the attainment of the goal to establish the Africa.
  • Single Electricity Masterplan (AfSEM) through the Continental Power Systems Masterplan (CMP)

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September 9, 2023

PIDA VPIC Upgrade Notice

Upgrade Notice
PIDA is currently undergoing system upgrades to serve you better. The new version will be ready on January 31st, 2025.

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