This Project is part of the promotion of new Transboundary Basin Organizations (Ogooué, Ntem, Nyanga, and Komo), located in Cameroon, Republic of Congo, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. It is a question of carrying out two priority integrator projects which are: the creation of the two hydroelectric power stations which are: BOOUE and TSENGUE LELEDI (in the center of Gabon) and transmission lines associated.
To this end, ECCAS requested and obtained funding from the African Water Facility for: (i) the conduct of summary and detailed pre-project studies (APS and APD) of the Booué and Tsengué-Lélédi hydroelectric infrastructures; and power transmission lines;
(ii) carrying out an environmental and social impact study for each site.
The project objectives are to:
• Increase the production capacity of Gabon and interconnect the electricity grids with neighboring states (Cameroon, Republicof Congo, Equatorial Guinea)
• Increase the rate of access to electricity for the populations of the 4 states concerned
• Contribute to strengthening regional integration, electrical interconnection, accelerating access to modern energies.