The drastic decline in freshwater availability in the Lake Chad Basin has resulted in a 95% decrease in the volume of the lake from 1963 to date. At the same time, the degradation of the Lake Chad ecosystem following the droughts of 1973-74 and 1985-86 leads to increased erosion of the watershed and silting of Lake Chad and its main tributaries, the Chari and Logone rivers. The actual rate of siltation and sedimentation of Lake Chad is unknown. The project objectives are to:
• Undertake in-depth technical studies on silting, bathymetric surveys, physico-chemical analysis of Lake Chad sediments and invasive plants as well as Lake Chad waters
• Develop a sediment dredging programme for de-sanding, the fight against harmful plant species and the de-silting of Lake Chad in order to have a better distribution of water resources between the northern basin and the southern basin of the lake
• Restore navigation through Lake Chad and revive the economic activities of the riparian communities
• Develop landing stages and Restore fishing and irrigated agriculture along Lake Chad with the objective of combating poverty.