WAPP Regional Solar Power Park Project in Mali

WAPP Regional Solar Power Park Project in Mali

The implementation strategy of the WAPP assumes the realisation of distinct but mutually complementary infrastructure sub-programmes which, when realised, will result in an integrated efficient electricity system in West Africa. The WAPP Regional Solar Power Park Project in Mali of potential capacity 150 MW features prominently among the Priority Projects. The Project is scalable, multiphase and multisite.

Three sites are selected, namely Fana, Bougouni and Sanankoroba around Bamako. The project objectives are to:

• Reduce the demand-supply imbalance within the ECOWAS sub-region and augment the renewable energy component in the regional energy mix
• Develop and realization of key priority infrastructure that permit the accessibility to economic and sustainable energy resources, to all Member States of ECOWAS
• Augment the portion of Renewables (Solar, Wind) in the regional energy mix.


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September 9, 2023

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